Kamis, 13 Maret 2014


Foreign language skills are a must for students . Not only for those who study the science of language ( linguistic ) , but also those who study other sciences . Mastering a foreign language is very useful , among others, to understand the textbook , the book , and the subject matter is not all written in Indonesian .

Students are now fortunate to be able to learn a foreign language not only through the course . Television media , the internet to interact directly with foreigners is getting easier to do . However , with all the ease , whether it can directly enhance the foreign language skills of students ?

Those who had attended an international school would not be too difficult foreign language because English is the language of instruction daily . They also learn some other languages ​​, such as Mandarin and French . Versatility facilitate foreign language learning and increased confidence . This capability also increases the chances of entry into the world of work .

Everyone is aware of the importance of language in everyday life , but not everyone is aware of the importance of foreign languages ​​in contemporary life . World is almost limitless again encourage each individual to know other languages ​​to be connected with other parts of the world and in order to access a variety of information with ease . This relates to the globalization of the language in which advances in telecommunications and interdependence in economics and finance throughout the world demands every individual improve language skills in order not to miss .

Business Studies in English, set up and developed at both undergraduate and graduate level were considered to be an important strategic tool in order to obtain and sustain a competitive advantage on the local, regional and international market.

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